More Cute Kids

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Weekends Already Over???

Aww, this weekend went way too fast. The weather was so pretty here in Houston this weekend. We had 78 and 79 degree temps. Hope everyone had a great weekend too.

Several of you have contacted me about doing a trunk show in your homes. Basically, you would receive a shipment of about 20 designs and all of the essentials to host a Stroke of Jean-Yus home party. You would act as the representative and take orders and earn free clothing and credits. I have not really thought through all of the details yet but since some of you have asked, I thought I would see if anyone else would be interested. This would probably begin in May. If you would be interested in hosting a home party, just let me know. You can email me with any questions and if you have a tentative date between May 1st and October 1st that you would like to reserve and an estimate of number of party guests, let me know. I am trying to decide how many I would need in order to begin preparing materials. I am still in the information gathering stage. I had never thought about it until a couple of you asked. Thanks for all of your continued support!

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