More Cute Kids

Friday, July 23, 2010


Hi everyone.

I hope everyone is having a great summer. I am finally back to full speed after a crazy few months.

A lot of you have contacted me about back to school and holiday items. It is that time again and I am working on lots of fun new holiday designs.

I am also announcing a new contest. Now through August 27th, just submit a design idea for either Christmas or Halloween and be entered to win your custom design painted on the outfit of your choice. You may enter as often as you like. So start your thinking now. Winner will be announced September 1st and winning outfit will be shipped by September 30th.

This year will be offering 4 more outfit of the month packages. You will receive 12 custom outfits (one per month) for $400. This is $33 per set. For those of you who need sibling sets, you may receive 2 sets per month instead of one for 6months for $450. ($37 per set). These will be offered on a first come basis.

Be sure to get your holiday orders in as soon as possible. The deadlines for the holidays will be:

Back to school- order must be recieved no later than August 25.

Halloween- order must be received no later than October 12.

Christmas- order must be received no later than December 1st.

Lastly, I will be offering free shipping through the month of August. This offer will end August 31st. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, just email me your design idea and size and I will get you an invoice.

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