More Cute Kids

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Okay, the kids are back in school and it is time for another fun contest. I thought I would start out with an easy one.

I have already fast forwarded to Christmas and I am looking for fun ideas for new Christmas designs.

This is your chance, just send me an idea that you have for a new Christmas design. The design ideas will be judged by a panel of boutique moms. Remember that the more detail that you have, the better your chances of winning. Feel free to provide as much detailed information as you can. You can even send me a sketch of your idea. The winner will receive their design in a 2 piece jean or skirt set.

So, start thinking now. Contest ends October 12th and winner will be announced October 25. You may enter as often as you like. Have fun.

You can email your design ideas to

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