More Cute Kids

Monday, January 26, 2009


Wow! What a great response to the January design contest. I had 62 entries and they were all so creative and fun. I will featuring some of them over the next few months here on my blog. It was a really hard choice so I sat this one out. I has a panel of 6 boutique moms vote and the winner was........

Tiffany Maxon.

Here is a picture of the design details that she submitted. She even included clipart. Her theme was to design a set for girl to sell their girl scout cookies. How cute is that? Here is her idea but be sure to check back to see the winning design on her cute 2-piece set. I can't wait to get started!!!

Congrats Tiffany!!

Be sure to check back on February 1st to see the newest contest!

1 comment:

Tinderdesigns said...

Oh what a cute idea. I really like that. Congrats!