More Cute Kids

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well.

NEW CONTEST---------------------------

I wanted to share the latest contest with you.

I am offering a free holiday pair of jeans for one loyal custom. Simply email me any picture of your little one in a stroke of jean-yus design and you will be entered in a drawing. You will be entered once for each photo sent. Winner will be announced on December 8th. Also, if you do not want your photo used in my website photo gallery, please note that in your email. Good luck and I can't wait to see all of your photos.

I just wanted to remind you all that Monday, November 24th will be the last day for Christmas orders. Any sets ordered on or before November 24th will ship no later than December 10th. This will give you plenty of time to send your clothing as gifts or for your little one to wear all season long.
I will continue to take orders for custom clothing after November 24th but additional shipping charges may apply to ensure Christmas delivery.

Be sure to check out my website for all the new winter designs. I have the headbands and bows by Paytie-Pie listed as well. Also, I now have gift certificates available on my website.

Be sure to check back often. I will begin offering Valentine clothing in the next few weeks.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season.
